Small but mighty: The American Miniature Horse

Small but mighty: The American Miniature Horse

It can be a funny situation: due to its size you first expect a dog but suddenly notice that in reality it is a horse – in mini-size! Indeed there are several horse breeds of mini horses and even if every single miniature horse is fascinating the American Miniature Horse breed is unique. The American…

Hanoverian horse – the all-rounder from Germany

Hanoverian horse – the all-rounder from Germany

Ratina Z, Shutterfly, Checkmate or Gigolo: all these famous sport horses come from the same breed: The Hanoverian horse. Originally this breed comes from Lower Saxony which is one of the northern Federal States in Germany. Today you can find at least one Hanoverian horse in every famous horse sport discipline. There are famous representatives…

New entry about Wild Horses: The New Forest Pony

New entry about Wild Horses: The New Forest Pony

There are news about the Wild Horses: at you can find a new article about the New Forest Ponies in Great Britain! The wild horses live in the New Forest which is the smallest National Park in Great Britain. They are semi wild because their habitat is limited by fences. On more than 300…

Breed profile: Icelandic Horses – Islanders with a four-beat gait

Breed profile: Icelandic Horses – Islanders with a four-beat gait

The thick, tousled mane and friendly expression of the icelandic horse doesn’t just thrill the heart of children. These rugged little horses, which, strictly speaking, should be classified as ponies due to their size find enthusiasts in all age groups. What makes these four-legged islanders unique is their predisposition to a fourth and even fifth…