HYPP can easily be mixed up with other diseases
In general it is really difficult to identify HYPP (Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis) so that the symptoms can easily be mixed up with the symptoms of other diseases.
There is a high possibility of confusion with the following diseases.
- The horse suffers from great pain, is nervous, paws and kicks his legs under his belly
- The horse avoids long periods of standing, lays down and sometimes does not even get up anymore
- In cases of very high pain the horse sits down on his hind legs (normally only dogs sit in this position)
- The horse breathes abruptly and with eyes wide open
- The horse rejects any kind of fodder
- In some cases the horse has sudden sweating
- The musculature is tensed up
- The bully is bloated
- Increased respiratory and pulse frequency (normal pulse: 30-44 beats per minute; normally the horse breathes in 10-20 times per minute)
- You always need to observe the belly: very loud sounds are as unusual as no sounds at all
If your horse has symptoms for a colic it needs to get out of the box and slowly move. When the vet arrives he can inject a substance against the cramps.
Ataxia (dysfunction of the nervous system)
- Dysfunctions of simple movements or of the posture caused through defects of certain parts of the nervous system. Possible origins are injuries, wrong feeding, infections, poisoning and parasitism
- In case of an ataxia the horses has an irregular or (in worst case) a staggering movement. In some cases the horses even falls down
- Reduction of the reflexes and delayed reactions
If your horse suffers from an ataxia you cannot ride it for a long time and in worst case even never again.
Tying Up (Equine Exertional Rhabdomyolysis)
Tying up originates from a disease of the musculature and the metabolism. Horses have an inflammation of the back musculature and suffer from great pain.
- The horse walks in a stiff way (especially with the hind legs)
- The musculature of the back is cramped
- The horse avoids any movement
- The horse can break down with his hind legs
- The horses presses the back down
- The musculature is tensed up and stiff
- Sudden sweating
- The musculature feels hot
- The muscles are all of a shake
- Increased heart beat
- Increased body temperature (up to 38,5 degrees)
- The urine has a red or black-brown color
If your horse suffers from Tying up it must avoid any movement!
Surf tips:
- HYPP: Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis for Quarter Horse, Paint Horse and Others
- The mysterious horse disease: Equine Atypical Myopathy
- Equine herpes – mortal disease without vaccination
- Horses with Laminitis – Origin and Therapy
—All statements without guarantee—
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